
Name: Donna
Date of Birth: Unknown
Gender: Female
Species: American Pekin Duck
Diet: Aquatic Plants, Fish and Insects
Lifespan: 5-12 years
Annual Cost of Care: $360

About Me

My name is Donna andI was found with two other Pekin ducks in a public pond where we were dumped by someone who didn't want us anymore.  It was scary and we were having a hard time but a good samaritan found us and brought us to safety.  I am a good girl and want a stable home.  I like the sanctuary life.  Most people want to eat Pekin Ducks and I do not want to be eaten.  I want to swim and bask in the sun all day. 

Pekin Duck Facts

Pekin ducks lays 200 to 300 eggs annually.
Pekin ducks are primarily used for meat in the food trade.
Pekin ducks are generally slaughtered for their meat at around six weeks old.
Pekin ducks are omnivorous and eat a variety of oats, rice, seeds, grains, veggies, fruits, mealworms.
Bread, crackers and popcorn have no nutritional value and should not be fed.
Pekin ducks barely fly due to their massive body size, and being a victim to predators is a serious problem.
Pekin ducks are very loud, especially when they want your attention or danger is looming around.
Pekin ducks have a good temperament and are the friendliest of ducks. They are not aggressive.
Pekin hens are great mothers who are very attentive and will vehemently protect their babies.
Pekin ducks are primarily bred and used as meat. Some others are used for eggs and occasionally pets.
These animals are exploited by humans. Should you see a Pekin duck loose somewhere they have either been dumped or escaped. They do not have the skills to survive on their own in the wild. Please relocate to a sanctuary or notify a sanctuary for assistance.  

How You Can Help

Wish List

Can you please help with our care and click on our wish list to buy specific items that we need?  Your purchases are tax deductible and very much appreciated. 

Sponso​r Me

The best way to help a sanctuary resident is to be a sponsor. Donations are tax deductible and will be used for our most pressing and critical needs. 

Animal Friend
$10 monthly or one time gift of $100  Digital adoption certificate  

Animal Supporter
$25 monthly or one time gift of $250 Digital adoption certificate
Sponsor listing in our school yearbook   

Animal Guardian
$50 monthly or one time gift of $500 Digital adoption certificate
Sponsor listing in our school yearbook
Brick wall plaque at our main School Campus 

Animal Hero
$100 monthly or one time gift $1,200
Digital adoption certificate
Sponsor listing in our school yearbook
Brick wall plaque at our main
School Campus
Annual invitation for you and a guest to visit the Sanctuary.

Animal Ambassador
$250 monthly or one time gift $3,000 Digital adoption certificate
Sponsor listing in our school yearbook
Brick wall plaque at our main School Campus
Annual invitation for you and a guest to a private afternoon at the Sanctuary, includes lunch and sponsor t-shirt.