Kofun  (Ko-foon)

Date of Rescue: December 29, 2022
Date of Birth:  February 2021
Gender: Male
Species:  Hedgehog
Diet:  Carnivore  
Lifespan:  3-6 years
Annual Cost of Care:  $600-$1,000


When my sister and I were 10 months old, our 3rd owner (that's a different home every 3 months) placed a social media post that she needed these 2 hedgehogs out of their house tonight or else they would be tossed outside.  
The Director of Solid Rock saw the post and intervened.  The family drove us over and dropped us off quickly with little information- except these were two sisters (nope I am a boy) who got along wonderfully, they had us for a few months, and they had no food for us and didn't want our stinky selves in the house anymore. We were brought in what we lived in together, plastic box.  
We were thought to be two sisters who got along so we were place into a larger habitat together.  
The first night while being watched on video,  I was seen on top of my sister causing her to scream and cry......which is when everyone learned I was a boy.  Getting me to unball to check was quite the feat but after lots of patience, they saw my "belly button" (looks like a belly button but its really proof that I'm a boy).  Mys sister and I were quickly separated, and I now have my own bio-active habitat.  
I like my habitat but especially my wheel and my sand bath.  I am the only hedgie here that likes a sand bath.  I am not sure why, I guess I am smarter than the others.  
I am what people refer to as a grumpy hedgehog.  I hate everybody and everything and I will bite you, pee on you, poop on you, and absolutely stab you with my spikes any chance I can.  I am such a mad boy that I sleep with my quills out.  My quills are longer and stronger and sharper than the other hedgehogs here and I am out to prove I mean business and to leave me alone.   I will hiss and huff if I hear you breathing in any vicinity of me.  Little do humans know, that I am a typical hedgehog and they have been misled by media.  I am what people usually get when they buy a hedgehog and that's why they rehome us every few months.  I have literally zero interest to interact with you and would prefer you to never come back again.  You can leave my food, and clean up after me, but then disappear quickly as we are not friends.  
My new family has learned my harsh personality and accepted me as me, and for the most part leave me alone except when its once a month bath and nail trim time or we have to go to the vets.  I won't make it easy for anyone but that warm bath does make me un-ball and then my focus is on getting out of the water rather than stabbing every human involved in this atrocity.  
I have been named Kofun (Ko-foon) after the character from the series SEE.  The Director named all of the hedgies from characters of that series, but my name was not really a good fit because Kofun was a nice boy, so the joke is on her.  I do know my name though and the minute you say it I will proudly hiss and pop at you.  

Hedgehog Facts

The ‘Hedge’ part of their name comes from where they build their nests hedges, bushes and shrubs. The ‘hog’ part comes from the small snorting/ grunting sound they make which is similar to a pig/warthog.
Hedgehogs are nocturnal which means they are up at night and sleep during the day.  In an household you will not see them unless you go into their room late at night.  They sleep a lot too so even at night they are only up for small periods of time, at a time.  
Hedgehogs have around 5000 to 7000 spines on their back. These can be raised and lowered to respond to threatening situations. Each quill/ spine lasts about a year before dropping out and being replaced.  These "spikes" will hurt when they are using them for protection.
Hedgehogs are not social at all.  In the wild they live alone and will fight others to the death.  Hedgehogs venture out on their own after only four to seven weeks of nurturing from their mother. They usually then spend their entire lives alone with the exception of pairing up to mate with another hedgehog. They do not want or need any social activity from any other living beings- including humans.  
In the wild hedgehogs will travel up to 2 miles nightly.  This is why in captivity, they must have a wheel.  A wheel for them is like a treadmill for us.  Being able to walk as long as they want is a necessity.  
A  hedgehog may anoint itself it they smell or taste something really strong or that they like.  They will attempt to cover themselves in a foamy saliva, much like a cat cleaning itself. This is called self-anointing. Some will do it and others never will.  
Hedgehogs need temperatures of 75-80 degrees.  This means, in captivity, they will need heat lamps and thermostats to regulate their environment.   
There are seventeen species of hedgehog throughout parts of Asia, Africa, Europe and New Zealand. There are no hedgehogs native to Australia and no living species native to the Americas.  
 Hedgehogs should not be kept in captivity due to their specific and complex needs. These nocturnal animals require a carefully controlled environment that replicates their natural habitat, including appropriate temperature, hiding spaces, and a diet that is difficult to mimic in a household setting. In captivity, hedgehogs often suffer from stress, obesity, and diseases such as fatty liver disease due to improper diets and lack of exercise. Additionally, their solitary nature means they do not seek or often enjoy human interaction, which can lead to stress when handled. The pet trade also contributes to the decline in wild populations and the spread of diseases between wild and domesticated hedgehogs. Therefore, keeping hedgehogs as pets can compromise their welfare and lead to significant ethical and practical challenges.

How You Can Help

Wish List

Can you please help with our care and click on our wish list to buy specific items that we need?  Your purchases are tax deductible and very much appreciated. 

Sponso​r Me

The best way to help a sanctuary resident is to be a sponsor. Donations are tax deductible and will be used for our most pressing and critical needs. 

Animal Friend
$10 monthly or one time gift of $100  Digital adoption certificate  

Animal Supporter
$25 monthly or one time gift of $250 Digital adoption certificate
Sponsor listing in our school yearbook   

Animal Guardian
$50 monthly or one time gift of $500 Digital adoption certificate
Sponsor listing in our school yearbook
Brick wall plaque at our main School Campus 

Animal Hero
$100 monthly or one time gift $1,200
Digital adoption certificate
Sponsor listing in our school yearbook
Brick wall plaque at our main
School Campus
Annual invitation for you and a guest to visit the Sanctuary.

Animal Ambassador
$250 monthly or one time gift $3,000 Digital adoption certificate
Sponsor listing in our school yearbook
Brick wall plaque at our main School Campus
Annual invitation for you and a guest to a private afternoon at the Sanctuary, includes lunch and sponsor t-shirt.