
Date of Rescue:  8/22/2023 
Date of Birth:  1976 
Gender:  Female 
Species:  Mexican Redhead Amazon 
Diet:  a variety of seeds, nuts, fruits, berries, and vegetation   
Lifespan:  25-75 years  
Annual Cost of Care: $1,200

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About Me

I am said to be 47 years old.  Rocky is my bonded partner.  Until moving to the Sanctuary at Solid Rock I was said to be a boy (José). So Rocky and I were thought to be a same gender couple for the last many many years.  Now, after gender testing, the world knows I am actually a female.  I am small compared to Rocky. I am very pretty.  I am independent and vocal. I thought it was obvious I was a girl but silly humans needed a test. So I went from José to Rosé.   I am funny and can say human words. I am strong and brave. Rocky is not at all, so he is always leaning on me for security. He loves to massage and preen me.  You know the expression- glued to my hip?  Well, that is Rocky.  He is very codependent.  I love him dearly but enough is enough at times.  We are all helping him to feel more secure.  Its been a lot of changes and I am a much more of a free spirit than he is.   I am getting much more at home here and will step up on preferred people and always a stick.  I am being fed well now and fresh food daily which will improve my health.  I love human attention and to show off saying “I love you”.  I will laugh with you, or at you.  I have a habit of laughing at people when they get hurt or say ouch.  Don’t take it personally, I just think you humans can be so silly.   Rocky and I live long lives and we are glad to be here together.  They are building us a new outdoor enclosure so we will have indoor and outdoor options which will be fun. 

Mexican Redhead Amazon Facts

Mexican Redhead Amazons, also known as Green-cheeked Amazons or Red-crowned Parrots, are vibrant and charismatic birds noted for their striking red forehead and crown, which contrast vividly against their primarily green plumage. Originating from northeastern Mexico, these parrots have also established feral populations in various U.S. cities due to escape or release from captivity.
These medium-sized parrots are known for their intelligence, playful nature, and the strong social bonds they form with their flock members and human caregivers. They are quite vocal and use a variety of calls to communicate, which also makes them popular in the pet trade.
In terms of care, Mexican Redhead Amazons require a stimulating environment to thrive. This includes a spacious cage or aviary, plenty of toys for mental and physical engagement, and regular interaction with their human handlers or other birds to maintain their social well-being.
However, the Mexican Redhead Amazon is currently facing significant threats in the wild. Listed as Endangered by the International Union for Conservation of Nature (IUCN), their populations are declining primarily due to habitat destruction and illegal trapping for the pet trade. These activities not only diminish their natural habitat but also reduce their wild populations, highlighting the urgent need for conservation efforts to ensure their survival. Efforts to protect their habitat and regulate trade are crucial for preventing their extinction.
No Amazons should be kept as pets. These parrots have complex needs including extensive social interaction, mental stimulation, and specialized diets that are difficult to meet in a domestic setting. Furthermore, their long lifespan of up to 60 years requires a long-term commitment that many owners are unprepared for. Legal and ethical issues also arise from owning such an endangered species, and the specialized veterinary care they require can be costly. Supporting conservation efforts to preserve their natural habitats is a more sustainable approach to ensuring their survival.

How You Can Help

Wish List

Can you please help with our care and click on our wish list to buy specific items that we need?  Your purchases are tax deductible and very much appreciated. 

Sponso​r Me

The best way to help a sanctuary resident is to be a sponsor. Donations are tax deductible and will be used for our most pressing and critical needs. 

Animal Friend
$10 monthly or one-time gift of $100
-Social Media Shout Out

Kindness Keeper
$25 monthly or one-time gift of $250
-Social Media Shout Out
-Digital Adoption Certificate

Paw Protector
$50 monthly or one-time gift of $500
-Social Media Shout Out
-Digital Adoption Certificate
-Brick wall plaque at our main School Campus

Animal Hero
$100 monthly or one-time gift of $1,200
-Social Media Shout Out
-Digital Adoption Certificate
-Brick wall plaque at our main School Campus
-Business card size ad in our school yearbook

Wildlife Warrior
$250 monthly or one-time gift of $3,000
-Social Media Shout Out
-Digital Adoption Certificate
-Brick wall plaque at our main School Campus
-Business card size ad in our school yearbook
-School Campus Annual invitation with a private lunch

Rescue Champion
$500 monthly or one-time gift of $6,000
-Social Media Shout Out
-Digital Adoption Certificate
-Brick wall plaque at our main School Campus
-Business card size ad in our school yearbook
-School Campus Annual invitation with a private lunch

Sanctuary Savior
$1,000 monthly or one-time gift of $12,000
-Social Media Shout Out
-Digital Adoption Certificate
-Brick wall plaque at our main
-Business card size ad in our school yearbook
-School Campus Annual invitation with a private lunch