
Date of Rescue:  6/26/2023
Date of Birth:  unknown
Gender:  male
Species:  Pigeon
Diet:  granivorous (primarily consists of seeds and grains)
Lifespan:  6-10 years 
Annual Cost of Care: $750

Sponsor Me

About Me

I am a male white pigeon. I was found by a good samaritan who realized white pigeons are not wild natural birds and can not survive on their own.   I was bred to look like a dove- the symbol of peace and happiness- for celebration releases.  Humans breed and use birds like me because we are homing pigeons and can be released at a celebration and are supposed to go straight back home.  Well, I got tired and didn’t follow directions.  
A homing pigeon who gets lost, tired, doesn’t follow directions is a dead pigeon. So the good samaritan, knowing this, took me to a sanctuary.  I am a huge boy. My size is intimidating.  I don’t like people too much. I will wing slap you if you come close.  I have bonded with another pigeon which has made life much better and am working on my manners.  I get very excited and because of my size it can be overwhelming to other pigeons, so I need time outs.  
I hated being forced to fly and go right back home.  I am a stubborn boy and that gets me into trouble.  I am glad I winded up here and now I have the ability and freedom to just be me. 

Pigeon Facts

Pigeons, known for their adaptability, are found worldwide across diverse environments from remote rural areas to dense urban centers. Historically valued for their impressive homing ability, these birds were used to deliver messages across vast distances. Today, they are often seen in flocks, demonstrating complex social behaviors and using a variety of coos and visual displays to communicate. Pigeons are prolific breeders, capable of multiple breeding cycles each year, which contributes to their abundance in many areas. Contrary to some beliefs, pigeons are quite hygienic; they spend considerable time grooming themselves and their companions, maintaining cleanliness within their group. This natural tidiness, along with their social and navigational prowess, makes pigeons fascinating and misunderstood creatures.
Pigeons, like all birds, are sentient beings capable of feeling pain and stress. Activities like pigeon racing often lead to injuries, exhaustion, or even death due to extreme physical demands. Similarly, using pigeons as messengers can expose them to predatory risks and harsh environmental conditions and in the 21st century we have mail service and UPS. The practice of farming pigeons for food raises humane and ethical issues. By discontinuing these uses, we respect their intrinsic value as living creatures and acknowledge their right to live free from exploitation and suffering. This shift not only benefits the pigeons but also encourages a more compassionate and sustainable interaction with wildlife.

How You Can Help

Wish List

Can you please help with our care and click on our wish list to buy specific items that we need?  Your purchases are tax deductible and very much appreciated. 

Sponso​r Me

The best way to help a sanctuary resident is to be a sponsor. Donations are tax deductible and will be used for our most pressing and critical needs. 

Animal Friend
$10 monthly or one-time gift of $100
-Social Media Shout Out

Kindness Keeper
$25 monthly or one-time gift of $250
-Social Media Shout Out
-Digital Adoption Certificate

Paw Protector
$50 monthly or one-time gift of $500
-Social Media Shout Out
-Digital Adoption Certificate
-Brick wall plaque at our main School Campus

Animal Hero
$100 monthly or one-time gift of $1,200
-Social Media Shout Out
-Digital Adoption Certificate
-Brick wall plaque at our main School Campus
-Business card size ad in our school yearbook

Wildlife Warrior
$250 monthly or one-time gift of $3,000
-Social Media Shout Out
-Digital Adoption Certificate
-Brick wall plaque at our main School Campus
-Business card size ad in our school yearbook
-School Campus Annual invitation with a private lunch

Rescue Champion
$500 monthly or one-time gift of $6,000
-Social Media Shout Out
-Digital Adoption Certificate
-Brick wall plaque at our main School Campus
-Business card size ad in our school yearbook
-School Campus Annual invitation with a private lunch

Sanctuary Savior
$1,000 monthly or one-time gift of $12,000
-Social Media Shout Out
-Digital Adoption Certificate
-Brick wall plaque at our main
-Business card size ad in our school yearbook
-School Campus Annual invitation with a private lunch